Opolnomočen - Empowered

Akril na platnu ø 40 cm.
Narejeno s pomočjo rituala Srčnega Šamanizma.
Za naročila in več informacij nam pišite na info@srcni-ogenj.si.


Acryl on canvas ø 40 cm.
Made through Shamanic Heart ritual.
For orders and more information, write to us on info@srcni-ogenj.si.


“Once upon a time, a man found a butterfly that was starting to hatch from its cocoon. He sat down and watched the butterfly for hours as it struggled to force itself through a tiny hole. Then, it suddenly stopped making progress and looked like it was stuck.

Therefore, the man decided to help the butterfly out. He took a pair of scissors and cut off the remaining bit of the cocoon. The butterfly then emerged easily, although it had a swollen body and small, shriveled wings.

The man thought nothing of it, and he sat there waiting for the wings to enlarge to support the butterfly. However, that never happened. The butterfly spent the rest of its life unable to fly, crawling around with small wings and a swollen body.

Despite the man’s kind heart, he didn’t understand that the restricting cocoon and the struggle needed by the butterfly to get itself through the small hole were God’s way of forcing fluid from the body of the butterfly into its wings to prepare itself for flying once it was free.”


“Nekoč je možak našel metulja, ki se je začel valiti iz kokona. Ure in ure je sedel in opazoval metulja, ki se je poskušal iztisniti skozi drobno luknjo kokona. Nenadoma se je proces ustavil in videti je bilo, da je metulj zataknjen.

Možak se je odločil, da mu pomaga. Vzel je škarje in odrezal del kokona. Metulj se je zlahka iztisnil iz preostanka kokona, imel pa je oteklo telo in skrčena, majhna krila.

Možak je sedel in čakal, da se krila povečajo, vendar se to ni zgodilo. Metulj je preostanek svojega življenja preživel, ne da bi letel. Plazil se je naokoli z majhnimi krili in oteklim telesom.

Kljub svoji srčnosti možak ni vedel, da sta majhen, omejen kokon in boj, ki ga potrebuje metulj, da se ga osvobodi, božji način, kako potisniti tekočino iz metuljevega telesa v njegova krila, da bo lahko letel.


Zaenkrat še ni mnenj.

Samo prijavljeni uporabniki, ki so kupili ta izdelek, lahko napišejo mnenje.