Kraljestvo sanj - Dreaming Realms

Akril na platnu 70 x 70 cm. S Swarovski kristali.
Narejeno s pomočjo rituala Srčnega Šamanizma.

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Acryl on canvas 70 70 cm. With Swarovski crystals.
Made through Shamanic Heart ritual.
For orders and more information, write to us on


V sanjah nas obiščejo predniki, potujemo v druge svetove, realnosti, letimo.

Sanje se dogajajo v Resnici, ki je soodvisna, je živi sistem Duha. Resničnost je “tekoča in vseprisotna” in sanjski svet je tako resničen kot “budni” svet. Duh kaže neskončne oblike v sanjah in v budnosti. Šamani zdravijo tako, da vodijo poškodovane duše ali delčke le teh nazaj v harmonijo z vsem.To storijo tako, da potujejo v druge svetove, druge realnosti, ki so del Velikih sanj.


In the Shaman view of dreams, ancestors visit us, we journey into other realms, we fly.

Dreams happen in a reality that is interdependent, a living system of Spirit. Reality is “fluid and all-pervasive”, and the dream world is as real as the waking world. “The Dreaming” is the ultimate reality and is “created, inhabited and sustained by Spirit.” The Spirit “manifests” infinite forms, whether in the dream or waking world. The Shaman heals by guiding damaged Souls back to harmony with all things. They often do this by “journeying” into other realms (or worlds), seen as part of the greater Dreaming.


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